Daily Activity: Final Test (English Ver.)
Today on Thursday, June 7 2018, my class get a schedule of exam practice. The group has been divided prior to practice, consists of 4 groups of 10 people. My group 3 received the practice schedule Friday but Mr. Jaya turn it into today Thursday. So today there are two groups who do practice exams that groups 1 and 3. We gathered in the kitchen at 8 and do oneline front of the kitchen, Mr. Ical gave us the direction this morning we only prepare for the meat that we will be toing. To this day we will make the menu Indonesian food and Japanese food. Before getting into the kitchen Pak Ical check our group project consultation paper and kimpa, which qualifies Mr. Ical allowed into the kitchen and were not going to wait outside to get the signature of Mr. Wawan. After storing my bag in the locker towards the cold kitchen and do oneline, Pak Ical directed us to prepare this morning and will be doing at 1pm. And we will also explain one set menu that will we make today. The group I get ...