
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2019

Daily Activity 7 August 2019

Hi guys, I'm back again and as usual I will tell you my activities in the 2nd week of my practice class at the kitchen in Makassar Tourism Polytechnic. On Wednesday, I arrived at 7:30, before I entered the kitchen, I tidied up the uniform I was wearing before entering the pantry. This week, my group was assigned to make Croissants. My group immediately took the dough that we had stored in the freezer overnight and we immediately made Croissants. First, we cut the butter/croissant shortening, then we store it in the chiller. Then we flattened the dough using a rolling pin until the dough becomes thin. Then the dough that we have pressed is closed, and stored in the chiller for 1 hour. After an hour, we spread the dough and flattened until the it reached 50cm in length and we fold it once, and put it back in the chiller. We did it for 3 times, then after finishing, we flattened the dough again. Then the shape of the dough we measure was 8x35, after that we shaped the dough. The...

Daily Activity 6 August 2019

On Tuesday of this second week, we still had to make snacks and lunch boxes for the Job Fair, and my group got the task of making Croissants. We agreed to make Croissants individually from 2 recipes, the recipe from a book given by Mr. Ical and the recipe from Ikky. And first, we make Croissants based on the recipe from Ikky. First, I mixed hard flour, yeast, butter, sugar, bread improver and milk powder in one container. After that, the mixture that has been mixed is given water slowly then stirring using hands. After the mixture was evenly mixed, we form the dough into a square shape so that it would be easier to flatten. After that we stored the dough in chiller for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, we flattened the dough using a rolling pin, smeared with butter and then stored it again in the chiller. We flattened the dough again up to 3 times by the rules of single-double-single. After that, Ikky helped me how to measure the dough, we put back the dough in the chiller for 30 min...

Daily Activity 2 September 2019

Entering the 4th week of our practice class, I arrived at the campus at 7:30 and tidied up the uniform that I wore. At 8.00, we were asked to come in and make a line up at the pastry. I immediately put on the apron and hat and went straight into the pastry and joined in the march with other friends. After that, Mr.Ical entered the pastry and the class was started by Mr.Ical, and Mr.Ical told us beforehand to look for references on how to make BakPia. Some of our friends were asked to leave the pantry because they did not meet the requirements Mr. Ical gave. After Mr.Ical left the pastry, we immediately prepared the ingredients we needed to make BakPia. I was in the same group as Koko and Nata. While waiting for the others to weigh the ingredients they needed later, we discussed how to make BakPia and the recipe that we would use later on. After that Nata weighed ingredient A and ingredient B then I stirred ingredient B and Koko stirred ingredient A. Then we started to weigh the do...

Daily Activity 24 September 2019

Today, I’m gonna tell you again about all of my activities that I have done for two days in the kitchen such as preparing ingredients for making Bread Corner. Our midterm exam is held on Monday, September 23. My group, which is group 3 arrived at the campus at 8:00, and before we begun, we went into the class to discuss what we were going to make today, and divided the tasks for our each member. At 10:00, we began to prepare all the ingredients, and I was given the task of making brownies and chocolate mousse. After finishing making brownies, I helped some of my friends so that they could get the job done quickly. The next day on September 24, I arrived at the kitchen at 6:00 in the morning and went straight into the pantry. After that I took out all the ingredients that we had prepared yesterday. Mr. Jaya said that at 9 o'clock, all the dishes had to be finished and served at the Rector's Building. And at 9:30, we were done and some of us had arranged the dishes at the Rec...

Daily Activity 5 September 2019

This morning, I arrived in the kitchen at 7:30, and at 7:40 we all went into the pastry and waited for the arrival of Mr. Ical who would later give us directions. Then at 8:10, Mr. Ical came and we made a line up and listened to his directions. Today, my group only made BakPia because yesterday we succeeded in making Raisin Scones. After Mr. Ical finished giving his direction, we immediately prepared the materials we needed. I weighed the ingredients to make BakPia and mixed the A ingredients, while Nata mixed the B ingredients. When finished, we weighed the mixture we had mixed earlier, then Nata flattened the dough while I formed it. Once we finished, we had lunch together in the main kitchen. After finishing, Nata put BakPia in the oven, at 13.30 we did general cleaning.

Daily Activity 22 August 2019

During the practice class today, we move to the next stage that is tartlet. Thank God, we have passed the stage of making croissants hehehe. At 8.30, we oneline at the pastry and listened the directions given by Mr. Ical. Today, we made Tartlet but only the tart crust or pie crust which was made from sugar dough. Afterward, we immediately practiced it. I prepared the ingredients needed such as soft flour, icing sugar, butter and egg. First, add the soft flour, icing sugar and butter to the bowl or mixing bowl (if you want to use a mixer). After that, stir it until the butter is mixed with the flour, then add the eggs and stir again. After the dough is ready, the dough can be stored in a chiller or used it right away. I immediately flattened the dough using a rolling pin until the thinness reaches 0.5 cm, then put it in the mold and trim the edges. After that, I baked the dough at a temperature of 160-170 for 15-25 minutes. Once cooked, took it from the oven and then chill it. Min...

Daily Activity 21 August 2019

In this post, as usual this article will contain questions about my practice activities in the kitchen polytechnic. At 8.20, we made a line at the pantry, and Mr. Ical gave us directions to return to making croissants. After that we immediately made croissants as directed by Mr. Ical. Today I am in a group with Nata and Koko, but while I am preparing ingredients for a croissant dough, Miftah and Fatta are appointed by friends to cook lunch for our class. So, I prepared the ingredients to make the dough first, then I went to the main kitchen to prepare the ingredients to make our lunch. We got the leftover slices of potato and chicken wings from basic cutting class semester 1. For potatoes, we wanted to make them into soups and we were going to fry the chicken wings. And we got another chickens from Pak Ical, and Fatta cooked it into Chicken Palekko. After that, at 14.00 we had lunch together and immediately continued our work. When I got back to the pantry, it turned out that our...

Daily Activity 20 August 2019

As usual, today I’m gonna tell you all of my activities at the kitchen in my campus. I arrived at 7:30, before I went to the kitchen, as usual I had to tidy up the uniform I was wearing. After that, I went straight into the pastry and made a line because Mr. Ical would show us how to make croissants and sour dough, and we were also required to make it. Same as yesterday, Nata and I were in the same group and we divided the tasks. I had to weigh the croissant and sour dough ingredients, meanwhile Nata had to thin out the shortening for the croissant and prepared the ingredients for the sour dough. After I finished making the croissant dough, I proofed it for an hour. Then I flattened the dough using a rolling pin, then put the shortening that had been thinned by Nata, then flattened and folded it once. Afterward, I flattened the dough again stored it in the chiller. Then I helped Nata to make the sour dough. After 30 minutes, I took out the dough that I had made earlier, and then re...

Daily Activity 19 August 2019

At 7:40 I arrived at the kitchen, and at 08.00 we entered the pastry and made a line because Mr. Ical would show you how to make croissants. After that, we immediately prepare the necessary ingredients and then immediately make croissants. Nata and I were in the same group, so I made the dough meanwhile Nata sliced the shortening. After the dough was ready, we stored it in the freezer for 1 hour. After that, we took out the dough, flattened it, then put shortening into it and immediately folded once, and put it back in the freezer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, I took out the dough and flattened it and folded it. After resting it for 30 minutes in the freezer, I took out the dough and then flattened it again using a rolling pin. This step was repeated again and again. But in the third fold, our dough was broke. But we kept doing it. After it had been flattened, Nata measured its shape to be 20x20, after it had been shaped and then proofed it again and baked it for 15-20 minute...

Daily Activity 6 August 2019

On Tuesday of this second week, we still had to make snacks and lunch boxes for the Job Fair, and my group got the task of making Croissants. We agreed to make Croissants individually from 2 recipes, the recipe from a book given by Mr. Ical and the recipe from Ikky. And first, we make Croissants based on the recipe from Ikky. First, I mixed hard flour, yeast, butter, sugar, bread improver and milk powder in one container. After that, the mixture that has been mixed is given water slowly then stirring using hands. After the mixture was evenly mixed, we form the dough into a square shape so that it would be easier to flatten. After that we stored the dough in chiller for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, we flattened the dough using a rolling pin, smeared with butter and then stored it again in the chiller. We flattened the dough again up to 3 times by the rules of single-double-single. After that, Ikky helped me how to measure the dough, we put back the dough in the chiller for 30 min...

Daily Activity 22-25 July 2019

After completing the internship at Padma Hotel Bandung, finally I and a few friends of mine who also had finished the internship got back to campus. After 6 months, a lot of things have changed, both the kitchen and the rules. Now we have entered the 5 th semester, where we will focus more on pastry & bakery. In the first week, we entered the practice class, which is the first time we practice in the kitchen poltekpar after 6 months. This week, we still have to adjust ourselves to all the new regulations. In the first week, we learned a new subject about fast food. We were divided into two groups, namely group one and group two. Group one gets Latin American menus, namely Brazil, and group two gets Korean menus. I’m in the group one, while the menu for group one is Piquealo, Parahuela, Lomo saltodo, Conxinhas, Pastel, and Quindim. We will make all kinds of these foods as fast food menus, where we have to serve these foods quickly if someone orders the food. When people order t...

Describe Some Ingredients 12

Kluwak Kepayang atau keluak (Pangium edule Reinw. ex Blume ; suku Achariaceae , dulu dimasukkan dalam Flacourtiaceae ) adalah pohon yang tumbuh liar atau setengah liar penghasil bahan bumbu masak sejumlah masakan Nusantara. Orang Sunda menyebutnya picung atau pucung, orang Jawa menyebutnya pucung, kluwak, atau kluwek, dan di Toraja disebut pamarrasan. Biji keluak dipakai sebagai bumbu dapur masakan Indonesia yang memberi warna hitam pada rawon , daging bumbu keluak , brongkos , serta sup konro . Bijinya, yang memiliki salut biji yang dimanfaatkan, bila mentah sangat beracun karena mengandung asam sianida dalam konsentrasi tinggi. Bila dimakan dalam jumlah tertentu menyebabkan mabuk. Kunyit Kunyit atau kunir, (Curcuma longa Linn. syn. Curcuma domestica Val.), adalah termasuk salah satu tanaman rempah-rempah dan obat asli dari wilayah Asia Tenggara . Tanaman ini kemudian mengalami penyebaran ke daerah Malaysia , Indonesi...

Describe Some Ingredients 11

1. Butter Butter atau yang juga dikenal sebagai mentega adalah salah satu produk emulsi lemak susu sapi. Secara kasat mata, butter mirip dengan margarin dan agak sulit untuk dibedakan bagi yang tidak faham dunia masak memasak. Butter memiliki warna kuning yang pucat, tekstur yang lebih lembut, aroma yang lebih kuat dan enak daripada margarin. Butter juga mudah meleleh, sehingga tidak baik jika terlalu lama disimpan dalam suhu ruang. Dan karena dibuat dari bahan hewani, butter memiliki harga yang relatif lebih mahal daripada margarin. Butter dapat dimanfaatkan untuk proses menggoreng dan memanggang. Butter juga bisa digunakan untuk mengoles makanan seperti roti dan kue. Dari segi kegunaannya, butter lebih cocok dalam pembuatan kue kering. Butter mengandung cukup banyak lemak yang dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan, mencegah berbagai masalah kesehatan, termasuk kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah, mengurangi risiko kanker, mencegah peradangan pada usus besar dan lapisan usus. But...

Describe Some Ingredients 10

Gelatin Gelatin adalah senyawa turunan protein yang diperoleh dengan cara mengekstrak kolagen hewan dan mengeringkannya. Karakteristik gelatin adalah bening sehingga tembus cahaya, tak berwarna, rapuh (jika kering), dan tak berasa. Kemampuannya membentuk gel menjadikan gelatin banyak dimanfaatkan dalam industri makanan & minuman, industri farmasi, kecantikan, industri kimia, industri fotografi dan militer. Gelatin merupakan campuran antara peptida dengan protein yang diperoleh dari hidrolisis kolagen yang secara alami terdapat pada tulang atau kulit binatang . elatin tersusun atas rantai polipeptida (gugus protein). Penyusun dasar dari protein adalah asam amino. Oleh karena itu, maka komponen penyusun gelatin sejatinya adalah asam amino. Dalam setiap molekul gelatin terkandung sekitar 50 hingga 1000 asam amino. Berikut tabulasi komponen asam amino penyusun gelatin . Asam amino Persentase Prolin/Hidroksiprolin 25% Glisin 20% Asam glutamat 11% Arginin 8% Alanin 8% asam amino ...

Describe Some Ingredient 9

Telur Telur adalah salah satu bahan makanan hewani yang dikonsumsi selain daging , ikan dan susu . Umumnya telur yang dikonsumsi berasal dari jenis-jenis burung , seperti ayam , bebek , dan angsa , akan tetapi telur-telur yang lebih kecil seperti telur ikan kadang juga digunakan sebagai campuran dalam hidangan ( kaviar ). Selain itu dikonsumsi pula juga telur yang berukuran besar seperti telur burung unta ( Kasuari ) ataupun sedang, misalnya telur penyu . Sebagian besar produk telur ayam ditujukan untuk dikonsumsi orang tidak disterilkan, mengingat ayam petelur yang menghasilkannya tidak didampingi oleh ayam pejantan . Telur yang disterilkan dapat pula dipesan dan dimakan sebagaimana telur-telur yang tidak disterilkan, dengan sedikit perbedaan kandungan nutrisi. Telur yang disterilkan tidak akan mengandung embrio yang telah berkembang, sebagaimana lemari pendingin mencegah pertumbuhan sel-sel dalam telur. Madu Madu adalah cair...

Famous Food 5

Sup Buntut Sup buntut dibuat dengan ekor sapi . Sedikitnya ada lima versi sup buntut yang populer di seluruh dunia: makanan tradisional Korea, makanan Cina yang lebih mirip semur, ekor sapi goreng/panggang dicampur dengan berbagai variasi sup merupakan makanan populer di Indonesia, makanan etnis Amerika Serikat Selatan yang sudah ada sejak periode sebelum perang revolusi, dan sup kuah tebal dan gurih yang populer di Britania Raya sejak abad ke-18. Sup buntut Kreol dibuat dari tomat dengan ekor sapi, kentang, kacang hijau, jagung, mirepoix , bawang putih, dan rempah-rempah. Dimsum Dim sum ( tradisional : 點心, sederhana: 点心 hanyu pinyin : dianxin) adalah istilah dari bahasa Kantonis dan artinya adalah "makanan kecil". Biasanya dim sum dimakan sebagai sarapan atau brunch . Namun karena dimsum populer ke dunia dari Hongkong maka istilah dimsum lebih populer dibandingkan dianxin. Dimsum terdiri dari berbagai macam penganan kecil-kecil yang biasanya merupakan makana...

Famous Food 4

Gelato Gelato ( bahasa Italia : dʒeˈlaːto; jamak: Gelati [dʒeˈlaːti] ) adalah es krim khas dari negara Italia . Nama gelato berasal dari bahasa Italia yang artinya "beku". Gelato terbuat dari bahan utama seperti susu, krim, dan gula. Kemudian diberi tambahan variasi rasa mulai dari buah-buahan, kacang, dan bahan perasa lainnya. Apabila dibandingkan dengan es krim pada umumnya, Gelato memiliki kandungan lemak yang lebih rendah. Gelato biasanya mengandung sedikit udara dan memiliki lebih banyak varian rasa daripada makanan penutup beku lainnya, memberikan kepadatan dan kekayaan rasa yang membedakannya daripada es krim lainnya. Gelato disajikan layaknya es krim pada umumnya, seperti dalam cup, kerucut, gelas, isian roti, kue, dan wadah lainnya. Sejarah terciptanya Gelato penuh dengan mitos dan sangat sedikit bukti untuk membuktikannya. Diantaranya seperti di Mesir , para Firaun (raja Mesir) menjamu para tamunya dengan menyajikan piala perak yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian: sat...

Describe Some Ingredients 8

1. Tepung Tapioka  Tepung tapioka adalah pati dari umbi singkong yang dikeringkan dan dihaluskan. Dalam bahasa inggris disebut dengan cassava flour atau tapioca starch dengan nama latin Manihot Utilissima. Tepung tapioka adalah salah satu tepung bebas protein dan bebas gluten. Tepung tapioka cenderung sulit digenggam menjadi gumpalan dalam keadaan kering dikarenakan teksturnya yang sangat halus, kesat dan menimbulkan bunyi ketika diremas, sehingga mudah sekali dibedakan dengan tepung – tepung lainnya. Tepung tapioka juga memiliki sifat yang tidak larut dalam air yang bersuhu normal. Tepung tapioka banyak digunakan sebagai bahan pengental, bahan pengisi dan bahan pengikat dalam industri makanan, seperti dalam pembuatan puding, sup, makanan bayi, es krim, pengolahan sosis daging, industri farmasi, dan juga banyak dipakai sebagai campuran pakan atau makanan ternak. Tepung tapioka adalah bahan makanan yang biasa dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Tepung Tapio...

Utensil & Equipment 21

1. Steamer Machine Fungsi : Untuk mengukus makanan dalam kapasitas besar Material : Besi & Stainless Steel Pembersihan : Menggunakan napkin basah atau kering 2. Measuring Spoon Fungsi : Untuk menakar bahan kering maupun cair dalam skala kecil Material : Plastik/Stainless Steel Pembersihan : Dicuci dengan air sabun, lalu dibilas 3. Pepper Mill Fungsi : Untuk menghaluskan merica menjadi bubuk saat digunakan Material : Kayu/Stainless Steel Pembersihan : Dicuci dengan air sabun, lalu dibilas

Utensil & Equipment 20

1. Vacuum Sealer Fungsi : Untuk menghilangkan udara pada vacuum bag dengan proses pengepressan Material : Besi & Stainless Steel Pembersihan : Menggunakan napkin basah atau kering 2. Tweezer Fungsi : Untuk membantu memindahkan bahan makanan atau garnish berukuran kecil Material : Stainless Steel Pembersihan : Dicuci dengan air sabun, lalu dibilas 3. Plastic Roll Fungsi : Untuk membungkus bahan makanan Material : Plastik Pembersihan : Hanya sekali pemakaian

Describe Some Ingredients 7

1. Jeruk Nipis Jeruk nipis adalah jenis buah jeruk dengan nama lain lime, citrus, atau jeruk asam. Jeruk nipis berbentuk bulat, memiliki warna hijau, dan berkulit sedikit keriput. Jeruk nipis mudah ditemukan karena mudah tumbuh di daerah tropis. Jeruk nipis mempunyai rasa yang kecut dan asam namun beraroma harum dan segar. Jeruk nipis banyak digunakan untuk masakan, minuman, bahkan obat. Jeruk nipis merupakan tanaman obat keluarga atau TOGA yang bisa ditanam di kawasan perumahan bahkan menggunakan media polybag atau hidroponik. Jeruk nipis juga termasuk tanaman yang tahan dari hama, perubahan cuaca, dan penyakit sehingga merupakan komoditi pangan dan pertanian yang cukup bagus dikembangkan. Fungsi Jeruk nipis mengandung senyawa citrus, vitamin C, dan asam alfa hidroksi yang berfungsi tinggi untuk kesehatan. Vitamin C dalam jeruk nipis bagus untuk antioksidan, menjaga sistem imun tubuh, dan menyembuhkan panas dalam. Sedangkan senyawa asamnya bagus untum menjaga kesehatan ...