Daily Activity 22-25 July 2019

After completing the internship at Padma Hotel Bandung, finally I and a few friends of mine who also had finished the internship got back to campus. After 6 months, a lot of things have changed, both the kitchen and the rules. Now we have entered the 5th semester, where we will focus more on pastry & bakery. In the first week, we entered the practice class, which is the first time we practice in the kitchen poltekpar after 6 months. This week, we still have to adjust ourselves to all the new regulations.
In the first week, we learned a new subject about fast food. We were divided into two groups, namely group one and group two. Group one gets Latin American menus, namely Brazil, and group two gets Korean menus. I’m in the group one, while the menu for group one is Piquealo, Parahuela, Lomo saltodo, Conxinhas, Pastel, and Quindim. We will make all kinds of these foods as fast food menus, where we have to serve these foods quickly if someone orders the food. When people order the food, the maximum time to wait for food is 15 minutes.
And I was assigned to make Quindim, from the way of making it, it does look easy, but it's not that easy :) We failed at the first try, and we don't know what's wrong, maybe from the way to mix or lack of ingredients from the recipe that I got, I have also tried to make it at home but still failed.


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Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

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