Daily Activity 2-1

Good Night!

Hellooo meet again with me hehehe, as usual  I'll tell you what I do while I’m in Poltekpar Kitchen. I arrived in campus at 07.30 am and then I headed to the kitchen. At 08.00 am we did oneline front of the kitchen. We rolled call by some seniors who were our supervisor today, after that I entered the kitchen and went to the locker. After that I did oneline in the Main Kitchen. After everyone had been there, before getting into the material we prayed, and our Boss Genk Mr. Ical entered and gave us a little materials.

After the supervisors divided the menu to us, today we just prepared for tomorrow’s menu which is Indonesian Buffet. Some of the menus that had been decided are Appetizer such as Dojang Nakeng and Rujak Mie, Soup are Soto Padang and Soto Banjar, the Main Course are Terong Santan, Plecing Sayur, Rendang Daging, Ayam Bakar Taliwang and Nasi Putih, and last is the Dessert which are Doko-doko Cangkuning and Bubuh Injil. Yaaaay my group got the Main Course. After that we immediately did the doing, but by the time we prepared Chef Dyno said to us to re-do the oneline.

Chef Dyno checked any kind of menu that we will make, and gave directions on what we should do for these menus. And Chef Dyno gave us some tips that are useful for us, and before that Chef Dyno said that at 15.00 everything must be done. Once finished we returned to prepare, my friends and I made spice Ayam Bakar Taliwang for marinate on chickens and Rendang Daging to be made today. Once everything were completed, Aulia and I made Rendang Daging assisted by Chef Dyno that told us the steps on how to make Rendang Daging. After that when everything had finished we wanted to do the general clining but the working table and half of the kitchen was used by 1st  and 5th semester, so we were cleaning our work area and then went to take a break while waited for the others to finish the doing. After that we did general cleaning until finished and at 17.00 we did the last oneline before we went home. One thing that makes me a bit happy today is that the fact that I could go home earlier than usual! I hope this one can last a bit.


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Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

Kitchen Utensil 220218

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