Daily Activity 3-2 (Hotel Gammara)

Hello, let’s just get started. I would like to tell you all the activities that I have done at the kitchen in Gammara hotel on this second day. Before I went straight to the hotel, I picked up my friend, Asmil, at the campus dormitory, so I didn’t have to go alone there by myself. Once we got there, we had to fill our attendance list before we went up to the kitchen. Kak Hadi and Fira (training) had been there already. Kak Hadi asked me to crush some biscuits as one of the ingredients to make a cheese cake, and melt the butter. I did all those things because Kak Ririn relied on me to make the cheese cake.

            Once all the ingredients were ready, I had to mix it up step by step. After all mixed up, I poured it down on the pan, and the cake was ready to bake. Around one up to two hours was needed to make the cheese cake ready to be served. So, I spent my time to clean up all the equipment and I asked Kak Ririn if there were any other things I could help. She asked to make teripang cake instead. I had noted down the recipe, so I could just immediately prepare the ingredients and make the teripang dough and shaped it as it used to be. Once it was done, I put them in the cold storage.

            At 12.20 p.m, I was allowed to take a break. Fira and I just went straight to the canteen because simply I could hear my own rumbling belly. After we had lunch, we had to go back to the kitchen, and I helped Fira to make éclair. After all, Kak Ririn asked me to make éclair as well. Without waiting any longer, I prepared all the ingredients and made the dough, but I had to queue up to use the mixing dough because I only needed to mix the dough with eggs. Once it was done, I made the éclair right away. All the activities on the second day had completed, so Intan and I just needed to clean up the work area and ready to go home.


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Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

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