Daily Activity 24 October 2019

As usual, I arrived at the kitchen at 7.40 in the morning. Then I wore my apron and hat before I went into the pantry. Afterwards, I took all the éclair ingredients that we prepared yesterday. I used whipped cream as the fillings for the éclair. I mixed the whipped cream with pastry cream and fermented black sticky rice that had been mashed up.
While waiting for Nata to make the glaze, I stuffed the éclair with the fillings. After that, I rested it in the chiller along with the glaze until it got thicken. We went out to enjoy the noodle that had been cooked by our friends. After that we went back to pantry and continued our task. Once our glaze was thicken enough, we took it out, and we put purple food color, and everything was done by Nata.
After we finish the platting section, we brought our dish to the Mr. Ical’s room. Thank God, Mr. Ical gave us a good impression for our modern dish. Afterwards, we prepared all the ingredients to make Mille Crepes with Barongko flavored. Once the dough was ready, Nata made the fillings, meanwhile Yandy and Gabrield made the crepes.


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Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

Kitchen Utensil 220218

Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 070318