Daily Activity 8 October 2019

Today, we were asked to come at 6 in the morning, and I arrived in the kitchen at 6 sharp. While waiting the others, I grabbed a quick breakfast and then wore my apron and hat. At 6.30, we entered the kitchen and prepared everything to make lobster challenge. At first, we prepared all the vegetables we needed such as broccoli, carrot, white mushroom, etc. We cut all the vegetables, and washed it. Meanwhile the other condiments were prepared by Koko and Gabriel.
At 8.30, we immediately grilled the lobster, and at 9.30 we finished up the platting. For this time, we made Jimbaran Grilled Lobster with Singaporean sauce. After the platting was done, we photographed our dish and we sent the photo to Mr. Jaya, and he would upload it on Poltekpar Makassar instagram account.
So, in this lobster challenge, we were asked to make lobster dish and the winner would be decided by the amount of likes from the picture that would be uploaded on our campus instagram account. Of course, the lecturer’s assessment would be included. And the winner would get an award. After that we went to the LSP room and explained our menu and et the lecturers to taste our dish. At 16.00 in the afternoon, the assessment was done, and the winner was group 1.


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Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

Kitchen Utensil 220218

Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 070318