Daily Activity 10 November 2019

In today’s blog, I’m gonna share my experience during the practice day in this eighth week. I arrived at the kitchen at 8 sharp, and went straight to the locker room to put my apron and hat on. Afterwards, we made a line up in the main kitchen. Today, the fifth semester students were asked to keep continue the Table D’Hote task which was actually the ADH students’ task. Chef Dyno told us to work well. After that I helped Koko to prepare everything we needed.
At 9, I went to the pantry to help Nata to make lapis legit until 12.00 o’clock. Nata and I got a break while waiting the others to finish their midday prayer. Afterwards, we continued our task. But at the last stage, our lapis legit was failed.
At 12.30, the group who was working on the Table D’Hote task was ready to prepare all the dishes, but the MTH party didn’t want any dishes if it wasn’t form the3rd semester of ADH students. Once we confirmed it with Chef Dyno, he said that it was fine that they didn’t want it, and later we would have lunch together. We took a break, and had lunch and then conducted the general cleaning.


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