Daily Activity (English Version) 060218

Today, I went to campus earlier exactly at 6:30 am. Since yesterday, Mr.Faisal told us that we would do Open Restaurant at 9:00 am. Hence, we should be on campus precisely at 7:00 am. When I almost got there, I totally forgot my toolbag. I felt screwed this morning. So, I should go back home taking my tool bag and go to campus immediately. As usual, we made a line up in front the kitchen at 7:00 and our supervisor called our name one by one. We were all allowed to enter the kitchen and walked directly to the locker to tuck in our belongings.

 We repeated the same thing as yesterday, making a line up in front the cool kitchen as we waiting for the others. Later on, Mr. Syahrial was coming in and giving us a bit additional material about Breakfast. After Mr. Syahrial out of the cool kitchen, Mr. Faisal was coming and gave us a bunch of instruction about what we should do to make these Continental and American Breakfast menus. MT group go chance to make Fruit Compote. Not to be forgotten, our supervisor remind us to be quick and doing well. And supervisor mentioned that we should make a product in accordance with the menu that we got.

 When I was making our menu, suddenly our 4th semester senior came in and gave us a coupon in Rinjani Restaurant to conduct Table Manner and have a Breakfast in there. I took up my work on cooking Fruit Compote. After we complete our product, we instanly went to the Rinjani Restaurant conducting Table Manner and having Breakfast. We got back to the kitchen and made preparations for the menu tomorrow morning that was English Breakfast. We took a break and had a lunch at 12:30 pm.

 Afterward, we made a line up again in the cool kitchen at 13:30 pm where Mr.Faisal gave us explanation about our blog assigment that we have not fully understood. Exactly at 14:30, we reviewed what we did today and had a general cleaning until 17:30 in the evening we were ready to go home.

Fruit Compote

Table Manner and Breakfast at Rinjani Restaurant


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Kitchen Utensil 220218

Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

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