Daily Activity 17

Today is my fourth day in practice this week, as usual we start at 8 am, supervisors check my equipment and grooming and then I went into the cold kitchen do oneline while waiting for other friends into the cold kitchen. Once we all have been in the cold kitchen us pray, it looks like Mr. Syahrial not came to the cold kitchen supervisor said we will review so we were given 10 minutes to read our smallbook.

After rivew has been completed, we immediately breakaway group 1 remained in the cold kitchen and the group 2 exit. Then our supervisor directs us to doing, so as I said yesterday that my group get the Main Course that is Konro Bakar and.Nasi Putih So I handle Nasi Putih assisted by Fadhil, Nastassya and Hariyandy burning the meat and make Acar, as I waited for the rice. Ainul told me that I was called by Ma'm Sury.

Turns Ma'm Sury called me to fill bio, after the completion I back and the rice was cooked. Then I go to butcher, and I wants to be the person in charge to take orders from the restaurant to the kitchen with Ardy. At 2 pm restaurant was open and Ardy began to receive orders from the restaurant until 3 restaurants has closed, after which we were instructed to return oneline in the cold kitchen. We get the punishment to eat garlic, then we do a general cleaning after completion  our senior invited to give a surprise to us that Mr.Wawan our Kapros yeayy Happy Birthday Mr.Wawan! 🎉 After that we went back to the kitchen and oneline and we were allowed to go home.


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Kitchen Utensil 220218

Daily Activity [Indonesia Ver.] 220218

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