Daily Activity 22

After last week all of 2nd semester went to the Toraja for Widya Wisata, and this week is the 7 week we MTB B practice. As usual we did oneline roll call in front of the kitchen after we got into the kitchen and store our bags in a locker, today no senior incharge us because today the Minister of Tourism came to our campus so our seniors busy cooking menu for lunch. So incharge today is Pak Ical. Once we all have been in the cold kitchen, Mr. Wawan entered to solve the problem at the moment in Toraja.

At 9 Mr. Wawan came out cold kitchen, and it turns out Mr. Jaya into the cold kitchen and Mr. Jaya say we re-create the menu rotation II.2 is Thailand Food and made 30 pax, but today we do not open the restaurant because there were the Minister of Tourism. After the division of the group, the group that I got the part Soup Tom Yam Goong. After that we immediately doing, I set up a stockpot and fill it with water and then I boil to make shrimp stock while waiting for the water to boil I helped other friends.

Once finished I cut mushrooms, fish meatball. I blanch fish meatball, after it Fadhil begin to incorporate other ingredients into the stock pot. At 13:30 all our product has been completed, and we await further directives from Mr. Jaya. At 16:30 we started doing general cleaning, Ainul and I get cleaning  working chiller, after finish we eat together with seniors, and at 18.30 we oneline and closed with an explanation of Pak Ical then we pray and allowed to go home.


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