Daily Activity 7-1 (Ala Carte 2)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Holaaaa! Andi Sally is here again with another story. So, we have been entering the 7th week of this semester. This is the last week anyway :( It was Monday, so we had ceremony flag in Poltekpar field before we went back to the kitchen at 8 in the morning. We instantly changed our theoretical uniform into practice uniform. Just like a week ago, my friend Dina forgot her apron. So, I had to accompany her to take her apron in her boardinghouse.
Once we got back to the kitchen, I found the group was a little bit confusing. All my friends were all split up. Some of them in pastry, butcher, and main course sections. But I chose pastry section and helped Yandy and Maya to make Red Velvet Roll. We prepared all the ingredients and equipment and the execution began. Unfortunately, we failed at the first bake because the color of the cake wasn’t red enough. So, we recooked it again. Thanks God, we really made it!
I prepared the egg white and sugar because I wanted to make Meringue. God knows it could be a garnish on Wednesday. It was quite easier. First of all, prepare 150gr egg white  and 300gr sugar and then au bain mariei it (cooking technic to slowly heat up the ingredients/the ingredients will be cooked by using boiled water or steam). Once the sugar melted and blended with the egg, I poured it on the mixing bowl and mixed it until the dough was stiff enough. Put the dough on the piping bag and shaped as what you desired. Once it was done, baked it for 30 minutes up to 1 hour with temperature 100 degree.


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